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Study Aids

A resource guide to help explain the types of study aids the Law Library provides and that curates both information about and facilitates access to those study aids.

Before the Exam

Approach your preparation for an open book exam like you would any other test

Organize your notes

  • Create charts and diagrams to condense and simplify concepts

Familiarize yourself with key concepts

  • Your book and notes should only be used as reference resources for difficult questions or questions that require specific information

Get a good night's sleep

  • Sleep is critical for academic success

During the exam

Manage your time effectively

Review how many questions there are and estimate how much time you anticipate spending on each question.

Plan an outline of the answer before you write it

Pace yourself and take breaks

Don't work on an exam more than 60 minutes without a short break.  A five minute break can work wonders. And definitely don't pull the dreaded all-nighter!

Be concise

Don't over answer questions. Aim for succinct, well-supported answers.

Maintain a positive attitude

Do not lose confidence or waste time if you encounter confusing or difficult questions. Take a break and return to the question refreshed.

After the Exam

Take a well-deserved break to allow yourself to recharge.

Avoid the exam "post-mortem”. You don’t need to know how other people fared in the exam. You’ve done your best.

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