Law Library Reference
Career Development Office
Student Professional Development
Federal Securities Law, a Securities Lawyer Guide ( - a brief summary of the federal securities laws
Securities Law Job Description ( - description of the common tasks are responsibilities of a attorney practice securities law
NASDAQ Career Center - with resources on jobs in the financial markets
Journal of Business and Securities Law (HeinOnline) - provides insight into legal issues surrounding the business community through legal analysis and other types of publications such as articles, personal narratives, and commentary
SEC Docket (HeinOnline) - covers various SEC releases under the securities acts
Professional Organizations
ABA Section of Securities Litigation - news and resources for those practicing, or ar interested in, securities law
Business Law Section of the State Bar of Georgia - hosts standing committees on the Corporate Code, the UCC, Securities, Partnerships, Legal Opinions and Publications and continues to consider legislative proposals and monitor legislative developments in their respective areas. The site includes a roster of current members.
North American Securities Administrators Association (NASAA) - international organization devoted to investor protection. Includes a listing of available careers in securities administration.
Corporate & Securities Law Blog - blawg with up-to-date information on corporate and securities law
Jim Hamilton’s World of Securities Regulation - "A blog that tracks and discusses important securities law and corporate governance developments in the federal, state and international arenas."
Orrick Securities Litigation and Regulatory Enforcement Blog - discusses aspects of securities law, including new SEC legislation, current trials and whistle-blowing
SEC Actions - current information about SEC and DOJ securities investigations and enforcement actions as well as private securities litigation
Securities Law Blawg Directory - the ABA's list of law blogs about securities law and other related fields of practice