UN Treaty Collection provides the text (UNTS) and status info for many multilateral treaties deposited with the Secretary General.
Hein Online's US Treaties & Agreements Library is an excellent source for treaties in which the U.S. is a party.
Frequently-Cited Treaties & Other Instruments - links and citations for oft-cited int'l agreements; includes section on Environmental Treaties
Environmental Treaties
A number of environment treaties are accessible via the EISIL database in its International Environmental Law category.
The Environmental Treaties and Resource Indicators database (ENTRI) at Columbia provides access to environmental treaty text and other information, including Conference of Parties decisions.
Here are a few examples of environmental agreements, representing the broad range of topics encompassed by international environmental law:
Convention on Biological Diversity
Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping of Wastes and Other Matter
Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES)
Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and Their Disposal
Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural & Natural Heritage
United Nations Convention on Law of the Sea (UNCLOS)
Intergovernmental organizations, non-governmental organizations, think tanks and other entities often collect, organize and make available materials. Below are a few such entities:
Bloomberg Law BNA Environment & Energy Reporter - log into your Bloomberg account; sign up for daily updates via email
CIEL Blog- Center for International Environmental Law
ELaw News - updates from the Environmental Law Alliance ("a global alliance of attorneys, scientists and other advocates collaborating across borders to promote grassroots efforts to build a sustainabl, just future")
Linkages (Int'l Institute for Sustainable): news and information from international environmental and sustainable development negotiations; multiple relevant listservs; upcoming conferences.
ASIL Insights - concise accounts of int'l law issues raised by late-breaking events
Search for law blogs at Justia Blawg Search
Oxford Reports on International Law - int'l tribunal and domestic court decisions involving international law; search by keywords or browsing (subject/jurisdiction); includes analysis and translation for many decisions
ECOLEX - combines the environmental law information holdings of FAO, IUCN and UNEP. Provides access to environmental law treaties, legislation, cases and literature.
FAOLEX - collection of domestic laws and regulations on food, agriculture and renewable natural resources
Oxford Reports on International Law - int'l tribunal and domestic court decisions involving international law; search by keywords or browsing (subject/jurisdiction); includes analysis and translation for many decisions
This is a sampling of relevant materials available in the Law Library. Additional available items, including e-books, can be found using our online catalog, GAVEL. In addition to the subject heading of ENVIRONMENTAL LAW--INTERNATIONAL, relevant items may be assigned subjects such as CLIMATIC CHANGES, MARINE POLLUTION, NATURAL RESOURCES, RADIOACTIVE POLLUTION OF THE SEA, SHORE PROTECTION, SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT, TRANSBOUNDARY POLLUTION, and WILDLIFE CONSERVATION. For a more flexible search, try a keyword search.
Search for research guides on the web. Below are examples:
Globalex at NYU collection of research guides on international law and foreign law - overall excellent collection of frequently-updated research guides.
ASIL Electronic Resources guide on International Environmental Law
Georgetown Guide on International Environmental Law
Research Guide on Transboundary Freshwater Treaties and Other Resources
Expand your search for articles beyond Westlaw and Lexis with the resources in our Find Articles guide.
The Index to Foreign Legal Periodicals may be especially helpful for this seminar.
To catch articles pre-publication, make sure to search the Legal Scholarship Network in SSRN.
The Main Library, next door to the Law School, also collects relevant materials. Use their online catalog, GIL, to identify additional print and electronic items. Below are some examples:
Scholarly Writing for Law Students: Seminar Papers, Law Review Notes, and Law Review Competition Papers.
KF250 .F35 2011 RESERVE
Scholarly Writing: Ideas, Examples, and Execution
KF250 .C528 2012 RESERVE
Georgia Law's Student Handbook, including section on Advanced Writing Requirement.
Online guide to Research Strategies for Seminar Papers from Georgetown Law.