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European Union Materials in the Law Library: Introduction

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Anne Burnett
Foreign and International Law Librarian

Alexander Campbell King Law Library

University of Georgia School of Law

Athens, Georgia 30602
Subjects: International Law


This guide serves as a locator for some of the most frequently-used EU materials available in the UGA Law Library and on the web. Many of the print items received by the library are cataloged individually and shelved by call number. Use our catalog, GAVEL, to locate these materials. If you do not know the exact title of an item, try a keyword search in GAVEL.

The University of Georgia Law Library is a selective depository for EU documents (dating from the late 1980s to present). In addition to the items we receive through the depository program, the library also purchases a number of other documents and materials published by and about the institutions of the EU. Many of our EU depository items can be checked out, while others must be used in the Law Library.

The official EU site, Europa, provides access to a broad array of information about the organization, its member states, its institutions, its founding documents, and its work.  EUR-Lex is the official portal to EU law. It is easy-to-use and includes, among many types of materials, the full text of the founding treaties, legislation, opinions, resolutions, case law, and parliamentary questions.

Click on the tabs above for tips on finding EU legislation, case law and secondary resources.

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